Archaeological findings

The German environment was not unknown to the Romans. We have evidence of a trade activity in connection with the so-called Amber Route. Luxurious goods for the local aristocracy were exported to Germania. Remains of these luxurious goods are only known from findings in rich tombs of nobles and kings. However, simpler findings of pottery fractions, small jewellery and coins are more frequently found in common German settlements.

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Olomouc - Slavonín
Olomouc - Řepčín

Olomouc – Neředín

Leading archaeological researches have been conducted by AC Olomouc workers in the Mýlina field line under constructions of roads to new family houses and under individual family houses. In addition to the intensive German settlement from the 3rd and 4th century, a trench of a temporary Roman camp from the period of the Marcomannic Wars has been discovered and examined there.

Neředín, Římská Street

An integral exemplar of a bronze provincial, significantly articulated buckle (Almgren 84 type) was found in object No. 1827 from the 4th century. This type of buckles probably dates back to the 2nd half of the 2nd century. The lost piece of the bronze buckle was most likely discovered by an unknown Neředín German more than one hundred years later (pic. 8).

A collection of ten pieces of Roman fractions made of aluminium (discovery number 1535) dates back to the Roman period. The question whether this is the only evidence of military brick architecture of a Roman camp or a building material from an object from the Olomouc region used by Germans, not identified so far, will probably remain unanswered.

A small iron spear tip known from the military environment of the limit also comes from the cultural environment. It may even be a tip of a bullet for a crossbow (dating back to the 2nd – 4th century AD).

Two small iron hobnails from soles of military legionary sandals have been identified in findings directly from the camp trench.

The finding of an undoubtedly Roman iron key from a trench suggests the presence of property that was worth locking to wooden coffers – boxes (dating back to the 2nd century AD).

Part of the iron spoon from the trench filling may reflect about the meals soldiers were eating (liquid or pasty, date uncertain).

Evidence of the common life of soldiers has also been found in the camp trench – animal bones from eaten animals and plenty of fractions of pottery brought to the camp from Roman Empire provinces (bowls, plates, mugs, cups) but also local German goods. Shards of utensils were most probably given to the trench when soldiers were leaving, disposing of unwanted things. Small fractions of high-quality orange pottery, the so-called terra sigillata, brought there from east-Gallic pottery workshops (Pfaffenhofen or Trier) excel in the Roman pottery. Fractions of the so-called annular bowls made in Pannonian workshops have been identified in the imported pottery.