Archaeological findings

The German environment was not unknown to the Romans. We have evidence of a trade activity in connection with the so-called Amber Route. Luxurious goods for the local aristocracy were exported to Germania. Remains of these luxurious goods are only known from findings in rich tombs of nobles and kings. However, simpler findings of pottery fractions, small jewellery and coins are more frequently found in common German settlements.

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Olomouc - Neředín
Olomouc - Řepčín

Olomouc – Slavonín

Three phases of German settlements from the 2nd half of the 2nd century, 4th century and half of the 5th century AD have been explored under the today's shopping centre on the Upper Field in the archaeological research between 2001 and 2005. Dozens of recessed cottages were built on a gentle slope above the local stream on an area of app. 4 ha.

Slavonín, Horní lán

The collection of metal findings related to the stay of Roman soldiers comes from a German cottage of a craftsman, smith or blacksmith. The bronze circular rivet was part of a shield or belt of a legionnaire. The small iron knife with a cast bronze head can probably be considered to be imported. The findings also include a bone needle with a head carved into a tower with walls.

Imported pottery and fractions of glass containers and beads in German settlement buildings date back to two periods – 2nd half of the 2nd century and 4th century AD. Several fractions of high-quality terra sigillata, fine yellow-orange provincial pottery and marble-surfaced pottery with no decoration come from an older settlement. Fractions of yellow-brown Panonnian glazed ceramics in form of the so-called mortarias (friction plates), a tiny cup and mug handle dates back to the 2nd half of the 4th century are predominant findings in the younger settlement. In three cases, cup glass fractions have been found in fillings of younger objects. There are more numerous findings of glass beads and their ingots

From a 4th century settlement object a bronze twisted bracelet made in Pannonia in the same time period has been discovered.

A small bronze Roman coin of Emperor Constantius II (337 – 361 AD) stamped in Sirmium comes from object 1222 dating back to the 5th century. The coin represents a type with an ore image of a soldier thrusting through a lying soldier and transcript FEL[ICIVM] TEMP[ORVM] REPARATIO [restoration of happy times]. Coins of this type were stamped in huge emissions in all Roman mints in the last decade of the Constantinus II rule, so it is absolutely common stamping, documented also by a number of other Moravian findings. The exemplar from Olomouc-Slavonín was drilled through, with the hole suggesting the coin was used as a drop.